Blue Mosque

Mar 6, 2012

The Violence Never Ends, Part Two

World War Two began in 1939 and ended in 1945. Nearly every part of the world was involved, and at the war’s end, more than 60 million people had lost their lives (F). Afghanistan, however, managed to remain nearly untouched by the war, thanks to Zahir Shah. The country prospered under Zahir Shah’s reforms. In 1964, he signed a democratic constitution into law, with a fully elected upper house and partly elected lower house (A). During this time, Mohammad Daud Khan, Zahir Shah’s cousin, was planning to take control of the country.

In 1973, Afghanistan had been weakened by natural disasters. Daud took advantage of this, and seized control in a coup d’état. He ruled as dictator until 1977, when the Loya Jirga adopted a republican constitution, electing Daud as president for a six year term. On April 27, 1978, Daud was killed in a coup, which later became known as the Saur Revolution (D).

The Pleaders of the Communist People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) then seized control of the country (A).  

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